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  • SEND

    St Regis CE Academy aims to be a fully inclusive school which prides itself on creating a positive and supportive environment for all pupils without exception. ​

    Our approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is founded upon this vision as we seek to support pupils in achieving their God-given potential. We base our interventions on upon the definition of disability set out in the Social Model of Disability that: 

    “…people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. Barriers can be physical, like buildings not having accessible toilets. Or they can be caused by people's attitudes to the difference, like assuming disabled people can't do certain things.”

    All our interventions seek to help support pupils overcoming the barriers that they may face in accessing education, providing them with the tools, skills, strategies and support to equip them to achieve their potential. We aim to create a positive, inclusive environment where pupils are accepting and supportive of the differences we all bring to the classroom and the uniqueness of all learners are recognised.​

    We adopt the five evidence-based recommendations of the Education Endowment Foundation to support students with SEND with the emphasis that all teachers are teachers of SEND. Our priority is to ensure all students receive High-Quality teaching, and that students feel part of every lesson. Students are only withdrawn for specific and limited interventions ensuring they do not miss out on critical learning with their classes. The role of the SEND team is to support teachers in delivering the curriculum and support students in accessing it. Support may not always be visible to the learner but is carefully structured and targeted to the students learning needs.

    SENCo: Mr T Barradas-Lingard

    Wolverhampton Local Offer
    Wolverhampton Information, Advice & Support Service